Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Benefits of Social Networking

The Benefits of Social Networking Social media sites do more good than bad. They allow people to reconnect and create relationships, show creative expression in a new medium, and also bring people that share common interests together. Mark Zuckerberg said, â€Å"At Facebook, we build tools to help people connect with the people they want and share what they want, and by doing this we are extending people's capacity to build and maintain relationships. † Social media sites allow people to create new relationships and give them the opportunity to reconnect with friends and family.Increasing communication, even without being able to see a person, strengthens a relationship. Mike Chalmers wrote an article in USA Today that was about military families using Facebook and Skype to contact their families. Army Maj. Thomas Murphy would Skype with his wife and two daughters almost daily while his year in Iraq. â€Å"You could break away from the monotony of everyday stress and feel lik e you're back home for a bit,† said Murphy, (Chalmers). The connection made his deployment more bearable and eased his return home, said his wife.Bianca Murphy said, â€Å"He was part of their day-to-day life, so there was no adjustment that this was some stranger in a uniform,† (Chalmers). Some people have been able to keep friendships going after high school with social networking sites. Even though they can’t see that person as much as they once did they can see what’s still going on in their life. They’ve also been able to start new ones with the people they meet at college or work. Social media sites also allow for creative expression through blogging, messaging, photo storage, and much more.AC. Lowney and T. O’Brien presented a case of a 30-year-old patient with pontine glioblastoma multiform. On admission to the Specialist Palliative Care Inpatient Unit, he had a complete right hemiplegia. He would communicate with the staff by using t he notepad function of his iPad, and he would also use his iPad to update his blog. He’d updated the blog on an almost daily basis, describing his physical and psychological status, (Lowney). His blog also had messages of support from others with similar diagnoses.Blogging was this patient’s way to express the existential distress he was feeling since he was diagnosed with pontine glioblastoma multiform. He felt cheated on life, and being unable to hold his 1-year-old son was dreadful to him, (Lowney). Social media sites are a great way to express thoughts and feelings. Blogging is able to help people emotionally heal by connecting with people who also have the same problems and receive advice. Blogging is a creative way to inspire people, (Lowney). Finally, social media sites have the ability to bring people with common interests together. Highlight, works by rummaging through your Facebook account to see whom you know and what topics you like, (McCracken). It uses yo ur iPhone's GPS to inform you when a fellow conference attendee who's a former co-worker's buddy is in your immediate vicinity or when a good-looking patron who loves the same bands you do sits down at the other end of the bar,† (McCracken). Social media sites like Facebook, give people the ability to click on pages you’re interested to see other people with the same interest.Also, people who have a difficulty communicating in person could be more comfortable interacting over the sites, (McCracken). In conclusion, social media sites are able more good than bad. They allow people to reconnect and create relationships, show creative expression in a new medium, and also bring people together that share common interests. â€Å"The thing that we are trying to do at Facebook, is just help people connect and communicate more efficiently,† (Zuckerberg).

Co-Occurring Disorders and Addiction Essay

Treatment of drug and alcohol addiction is seldom as simple as merely addressing the particular chemicals addict is taking into his body. More often than not, addicts suffer from other disorders in conjunction with their chemical dependency. The clinical reference to such a condition is called co-occurring disorders (Doweiko, 2012). According to Arias and Kranzler (2008) an estimated 1. 1 percent of the U. S. population has an alcohol use disorder with a co-occurring use disorder (DUD). This type of co-morbidity is sometimes referred to as homotypic co ­morbidity or dual dependence. According to Doweiko (2012), dual diagnosis clients refer to patients that suffer from a concurrent form of mental illness and an SUD. Co-occurring substance disorders include but are not limited to anorexia, bulimia, gambling, abuse (spousal), compulsive shopping, AIDS, and compulsive sexual behaviors (Doweiko, 2012). People who are active substance abusers or withdrawal from many drugs of abuse can magnify or simulate symptoms of psychiatric disorders. Addiction is common in people with mental health problems. Although substance abuse and mental health disorders like depression and anxiety are closely linked, one does not directly cause the other (Doweiko, 2012). In a dual diagnosis, both the mental health issue and the drug or alcohol addiction have their own unique symptoms that may get in the way of your ability to function, handle life’s difficulties, and relate to others (Stinson, et al. , 2005). To make the situation more complicated, the co-occurring disorders also affect each other and interact. According to Stinson et al (2005) when a mental health problem goes untreated, the substance abuse problem usually worsens and when alcohol or drug abuse increases, mental health problems will likely increase as well. An essential step to gaining freedom from addiction involves understanding the dynamics of addiction. The addiction cycle describes the reoccurring process that takes place as person struggles with their addiction(s). Co-occurring disorders and addiction relation to the addiction cycle is that addictive behaviors offer a fake sense of escape, pleasure, and involve psychological or physiological dependence. According to Scalise (2012) the increased symptoms and challenging treatment process add to difficulties of breaking the addiction cycle. The addiction cycle begins with pain which leads individuals to reach their absolute lowest, which many calle â€Å"hitting bottom† and then seek relief (i. . treatment). The addiction cycle continues with the addictive behaviors leading the individual to feel good just before crashing and experiencing pain again, thus restarting the cycle (Scalise, 2012). Understanding co-occurring disorders is vital to the proper treatment of chemical dependency clients. If all co-occurring disorders are effectively dealt with, there’s no reason why the addict should not regain their life as a drug-free member of society.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Caffeine and its effects on the human body Essay

Over 90% of Americans consume caffeine every day of the year. Caffeine is the ingredient that makes the public crave coffee, soda, chocolate and many other caffeine-carrying products. Americans consume about 45 million pounds of caffeine each year. In the United States, coffee drinkers drink an average of 2.6 cups per day. Total caffeine intake for coffee drinkers was 363.5 mg per day – this includes caffeine from coffee and other sources like soft drinks, food and drugs. Non-coffee drinkers get plenty of caffeine as well: former coffee drinkers get about 107 mg per day and people who have never had coffee get about 91 mg per day. Many facts are known about caffeine, such as its composition, effect on the human body, and origin; however, there are many long term effects that are currently being studied in order to discover how harmful this substance truly is. [Caffeine- Neuroscience for Kids] Caffeine occurs naturally from the coffee tree indigenous to Ethiopia, and it may have been used as early as 850 AD in Upper Egypt, though it is considered a legend. Coffee is the seed of a cherry from the tree of the genus Coffea. The tree yields about one kilogram of coffee per year. There are over 25 different species of coffee, the three main ones being Robusta, Libaria, and Arabica. The Ethiopians mixed crushed dried coffee beans with rolled fat balls used as food on journeys. Its cultivation and use as a beverage occurred in Arabia. By the early 16th century, the beverage was well-established in the Islamic world. Through cultural diffusion, coffee was a fashionable drug of the 17th and 18th centuries. From thereon, coffee’s popularity grew tremendously. America owes its present day coffee habits to the Boston tea party of 1773, which made coffee’s availability easier. [Owen, Daniel] Caffeine is an organic substance medically known as trimethylxanthine, and its chemical formula is C8H10N4O2. Caffeine is an alkaloid. There are numerous alkaloids. These compounds have different biochemical effects, and are present in different ratios in different plant sources. These compounds are very similar and differ only by the presence of methyl groups in two positions of the chemical structure. They are easily oxidized to uric acid and other methyluric acids, which are also similar in chemical structure  .Pure caffeine is odorless and has a bitter taste. This chemical is a useful cardiac stimulant and mild diuretic substance, or increases urine production. Many people take advantage of its energizing sensation; hence, it has become the world’s most widely used drug. Caffeine increases dopamine levels, like cocaine and heroin but to a lower extent. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in specific parts of the brain that can activate pleasure sensations. Because caffeine be longs to the xanthine chemical group, it interferes with the production of adenosine in the brain. Xanthenes are yellow crystalline organic compounds that are soluble in ether and are used as a fungicide and in organic synthesis. Adenosine is a naturally occurring xanthine used as a neurotransmitter in the brain. Adenosine binding to the brain causes slowing down of the nerve cells and drowsiness. Caffeine is very similar to adenosine, since they are from the xanthine chemical group. Caffeine interferes with the binding of adenosine because nerve cells recognize the intruding caffeine as adenosine. When caffeine binds to the receptors, nerve cells speed up. Caffeine causes the brain’s blood vessels to constrict because it blocks the adenosine’s ability to open them up. When the caffeine blocks the adenosine, neurons start firing at an accelerated pace. Henceforth, the brain’s signals help to other body parts, causing them to react. The pituitary gland reacts to the signals of excessive neural activity and sees it as an emergency. It then releases hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands then produce adrenaline thought out the body, Adrenaline is a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress and it stimulates autonomic nerve action. Adrenaline causes: dilation of the pupils, expansion of respiratory tubes, an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, tightening of muscles in order to make them ready for action, a release of sugar by the liver into the bloodstream for extra sugar, and increase blood flow to muscles. The euphoric feeling induced by caffeine makes the chemical addictive to its consumers. [â€Å"Caffeine,† Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2004] Caffeine, like any other drug, is addictive. The long term effects of caffeine are unhealthy as they change the natural chemistry of the brain, primarily sleep. Adenosine is important to deep sleep because it causes proper reactions in the brain during sleep, yet caffeine interrupts its  function. The half-life of caffeine in a human body is about six hours long, meaning that for six hours the consumer’s body and brain will be in an accelerated state. This can tire the body, especially the heart, which has to keep up in speed to pump the necessary blood throughout the body. After months of use, a person who consumes caffeine may develop a dependency on the drug because his/her body has grown accustomed to being stimulated by the foreign substance. Withdrawal symptoms are common among caffeine consumers, which is a body’s way to ask for caffeine. Headaches, stomach cramps, irritation, and depression are common symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. These symptoms can occur within 24 hours after the last dose of caffeine. In huge doses, caffeine is lethal. A fatal dose of caffeine has been calculated to be more than 10 grams (about 170 mg/kg body weight) – this is the same as drinking 80 to 100 cups of coffee in rapid succession. Like many other chemicals, caffeine is deadly in large doses. [Caffeine- Neuroscience for Kids] There are many harmful effects which caffeine is blamed for, but there is no solid proof of most of the accusations. Pediatricians and Nutritionists argue that caffeine is harmful to developing individuals, mainly children and adolescents. They think that by using caffeine, the developing individuals are upsetting the normal and natural balances of neurochemistry. Withdrawal shows that there has been a disturbance in the brain since the brain rewires itself to crave the caffeine. In addition, a study published by the New England Journal of Medicine found the effects of caffeine on pregnant women. The equivalent of one to three cups of coffee increases the risk of miscarriage of pregnant women by 30%. Consumption of three to five cups increases the risk by 40%. The study was directed by Dr. Sven Cnattilgils involved 562 women between six to twelve weeks of pregnancy. After the publication of the study in 2002, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the March of Dime, which finds r esearch on birth defects, have advised pregnant women to avoid caffeine. There were several other studies made with regard to infertility in women between 1987 and 1990 by the Centers for Disease Control and Harvard University. They found that caffeine had little or no influence in infertility. Caffeine has also been linked to calcium loss in bones, yet its effects are not strong enough to be  considered dangerous by the FDA. Aside from the negative aspects of caffeine, the drug is used in prescription and nonprescription drugs because it boosts their power. Aspirin and other painkillers contain caffeine to improve its effectiveness. Furthermore, a study by the Journal of the American Medical association suggests that consuming caffeine may help prevent Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’ disease is a progressive nervous disease happening most often after the age of 50, associated with the destruction of brain cells that produce dopamine and characterized by weakness, muscular tremor, slowing of movement, and partial facial paralysis. Apparently, caffeine reduces the neurotransmitters, such as glutamate, which can kill neurons under certain conditions the same way it reduces adenosine. Caffeine also increases the levels of dopamine in the body, which are destroyed by Parkinson’s disease. Caffeine can also be used to treat asthma attacks as it stimulates the production of adrenaline, causing the respiratory muscles to expand. [Cherniske, Stephen & Weinberg,B.A] In summary, caffeine is the world’s most widely used drug for a reason. It triggers pleasure areas in the brain that cause its user feelings of elation. However, using caffeine in excess or for a prolonged amount of time can be hazardous to health by causing problems such as birth defects, miscarriages, and the body’s dependence. Though there are no concrete studies on the neurological effects of caffeine, many doctors and scientists agree that caffeine is not as safe as it appears. They recommend that consumers be careful of how much caffeine they are using or possibly abusing, since health is too precious to ignore.

Monday, July 29, 2019

English Composition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English Composition - Essay Example On October 1959, New York's Guggenheim Museum opens on Fifth Avenue between 88th and 89th streets to house the collection of the late copper magnate Solomon R. Guggenheim, whose mentor, Hilla Rebay, induced him to buy dozens of canvases by the late abstractionist Wassily Kandinsky (World Chronology, 2007). In the field of nonfiction literature, C. Wright Mills wrote "The Sociological Imagination" to enable the young radicals to see their worth as potential agents of change in a social structure whose needs are not being met by the existing power structures (World Chronology, 2007). Television became the most dominant mass media in every American home in 1959. On January 9, San Francisco-born actor Clint Eastwood stars in "Rawhide" on CBS (World Chronology, 2007). I remember my mother humming the popular songs of the year: "Back in the U.S.A." and "Almost Grown" by Chuck Berry, and "Just a Lonely Boy" and "Put Your Head On My Shoulder" by Paul Anka. In the field of politics, America has acquired new states in 1959. Alaska and Hawaii become the forty-ninth and fiftieth states, respectively.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

BUSINESS CASE STUDY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

BUSINESS - Case Study Example Hence, this proposal is being submitted to the management of the company with the express purpose of convincing them to ramp up their online presence. The annual turnover of the book industry runs into billions of dollars and the leading retailers like Amazon, Borders, eBay etc have cornered the lion’s share of the market. This proposal seeks to present a case for an online book store that is modelled along the lines of Amazon and with the proposed online version selling physical book as well as e-books. The proposal also covers selling used books and customised books for a specific kind of reader software that is necessary to view and read e-books. The need for this project grew out of the business objectives that were proposed by the management namely that of increasing revenues without diversifying too much away from the core competency of selling books. This proposal is written in a business report format with the summary of the project, the alternative options, the timelines for the project and the expected benefits from the same. A final justification for the project is also provided in the concluding section of the paper. It is hoped that the management of Borders would consider this proposal and the project being considered for the stated objectives as enunciated by them. Borders is a well established book seller and retailer that commands a place in the Top Five book sellers in the United States. Worldwide, Borders has a significant footprint in the way in which it has franchisees and resellers who sell books procured from Borders. The project that is being proposed would involve setting up of the online bookstore that would cover the areas of selling books (physical), e-books and used books. These formats of books are already being sold by Borders with the exception of the e-books. Hence, the proposed project would entail additional costs of setting up the website and the warehouse to stock books along

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Leadership styles Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leadership styles - Research Paper Example Their ability to perform the aforementioned things relies on the leadership style adopted. Thus, at any time the leader or the manager should employ these styles. An important issue arises and this will be subject in this paper, how are the managers capable of altering their leadership styles (as described in situational leadership theory) to communicate and motivate the employees. There are four leadership styles (the selling or coaching style, the participating or supporting style, the telling or directing style, and the delegating style) and each style will be discussed in detail and applied in the case of General Electric. Specifically, the paper will explore the leadership style of Jeff Immelt, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of General Electric. General Electric is among many companies that have excelled in their leadership styles. The leadership style employed has been used as a benchmark for most organizations and companies. It is noted that the four leadership styles are c rucial for the success or failure of a company. As seen in General Electric case, a leader or a manager can apply all the four leadership styles to steer the organization. However, there is a tendency to use one leadership style more than the others are. General Electric In 1876, in Menlo Park, New Jersey, Thomas Alva Edison opened a laboratory where he could discover the prospects of the dynamo and other electrical tools or devices that he had realized in the exposition. By the year 1890, Edison launched the Edison General Electric Company by merging his various businesses. At the same time, a competitor appeared, the Thomson-Houston Company. Thomson-Houston Company became the principal electrical company through a series of unions or mergers led by Charles A. Coffin (General Electric Company, 2012). As the businesses grew, it became very difficult for either of the company to generate complete electrical installations depending entirely on their own technologies and patents. The t wo companies merged in the year 1892, and the new organization was called the General Electric Company. A number of Edison’s initial business offerings are still a portion of General Electric (GE) today and they include transportation, power transmission, medical equipment, industrial products, and lighting. The initial GE Appliances electric fans were generated at the Ft. Wayne electric works in the early 1890s. Full line of cooking and heating devices was first produced in 1907(General Electric Company, 2012). The GE Aircraft Engines started its operations in 1917 when the United States government started its search for a company that could produce the first airplane booster. Edison’s experiments with plastic filaments for the light bulbs started in 1893 and this led to the creation of the GE Plastics department in 1930. The General Electric leaders over the years have created a diverse portfolio of prominent businesses;a series of dominant company-wide initiatives t hat reduces cost and drives growth; Controllership and financial strength that permit it capitalize on openings through several cycles; and a collection of common values which permit it to face every environment with confidence(General Electric Company, 2012). Analysis The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model illustrates the relation between the willingness of the followers and leadership style based on relationship and task behaviors of leaders.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The struggle between fear and freedom of Eveline in Eveline by James Research Paper - 1

The struggle between fear and freedom of Eveline in Eveline by James Joyce - Research Paper Example The family, as a social group, seems to be one of the key themes that Joyce presents, in this story. This is evident when Eveline decides to stay back at home and assume a mother’s roles as a promise she made to her dying mother (Joyce 1). Additionally, death is also presented as a significant theme, in this story. Joyce illustrates that a number of Eveline’s family members and friends have died, and this is evident from symbolisms such as painting of Mary Margaret Alocoque, a French nun, and dust collecting around the house, giving the readers a sense of loneliness and death surrounding Eveline (Joyce 1). The author also presents several issues that made Eveline break the promises she made to her mother, and elope with Frank. One of the key reasons, why Eveline decided to run away from their home, is because they were poor, and money was a precious thing in her life. In the story, Eveline expresses her love for money when she holds her purse next to her body as if she was protecting her own life while walking to the market (Joyce 1). The author also illustrates her family’s poverty status when Eveline is perplexed by the leather seats Frank books at the theater. This is because she was used to seating on the back seats due to lack of money to afford better seats (McCarthy 58). Apparently, Eveline perceives Frank as a new and exciting lifestyle she had never had the opportunity to experience since she took a mother’s role after her mother’s death. Her new lifestyle appeared comfortable because of its stability, and Frank was something spontaneous and new, in her l ife. It is also apparent that Eveline is only a materialistic lady, and she is not so much in love with Frank. She is only interested in the new lifestyle that she is anticipating, and one that contradicts all that she had earlier known and experienced (Joyce 1). Eveline falters at the station when it was time for her and Frank to leave. She becomes frozen and unable to make the final

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Youth and Anti-Social Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Youth and Anti-Social Behaviour - Essay Example Alcoholism, drug abuse or substance abuse, sexual abuse, violence, cybercrimes etc are growing among the youths which are a matter of concern for the sociologists and the government. Morality and ethics are rapidly diminishing subjects in our society at present which encourage the youths to engage in all sorts of antisocial activities without a second thought. The life philosophies of the youths in the 1980’s or 70’s and that of the youths of the 2010 are entirely different. Because of the changing perceptions about life, youths create lot of social problems in different forms which is discussed briefly in this paper. What is social problem? â€Å"A social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community view as being undesirable† (What is a social problem?, n. d). It is difficult to define social problem accurately or comprehensively because of the various dimensions associated with it. Murder, violence, theft etc are accepted by everybody as soci al problems. However, teenagers who play loud music in a public places may not view it as a problem, even if it causes disturbances to the public. Smoking is also a personal matter; but if it performed in a public place, it can cause immense damages to the health of the people around the smoker. Same way, drug and alcohol abuses are personal matters; but these things can lead the abuser towards antisocial activities. ... Anti-social behaviour doesn't just make life unpleasant. It holds back the regeneration of disadvantaged areas and creates an environment where more serious crime can take hold (What is ASB? n. d.) Man is a social animal and hence it is difficult for him to lead an isolated life. Since we are living in a society, it is necessary for us to satisfy the needs of the society along with satisfying our own needs. At the same time, individual needs should never cause any problems to others in the society. In other words, an individual need become a socially accepted need only if it does not cause any physical or psychological problems to others. For example, sex is a biological or psychological need for all the living things. Sexual engagements are socially accepted, only when both the parties did perform it based on mutual consent. However, rape cannot be justified under any circumstances because of the absence of mutual consent in such cases. Moreover, sexual activities of minors are unac ceptable to the society even if it performed with mutual consent. In short, same activity can become a socially accepted or rejected one based on the circumstances or the nature of the activity. Alcoholism and drug abuse are some other major antisocial activity undertaken by youths. These things are considered as personal matters by many of the youths. However they are forgetting the fact that alcoholism or drug addiction may result in severe mental, physical and social problems which may affect others as well. Alcoholism and drug abuse can create lot of social problems such as Divorce, loss of employment; domestic violence, drunk driving etc. All these problems will affect a society one

Investigation into the use of science by an environmental advocacy Essay

Investigation into the use of science by an environmental advocacy body - Essay Example 12). The report sought to provide a comprehensive and entirely practical ten year plan to exchange all the stationary energy requirements with one hundred percent renewable energy sources using proven technologies along with engineering. This deals with the common notion that the renewable energy cannot be used the replacement of fossil fuels, either as a result of under-development of the technology, or the concerns in regard to the costs associated with the technologies (Husher, 2009, p. 119). The group accepts pro-bono contributions from professionals such as engineers and scientists to take part in their projects in the same way open source software is produced and developed. The organization subscribes to the notion that the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are at dangerous levels that keep increasing and that even when the objective of zero emissions in the worldwide economy is attained, the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will still have to be decreased to a safer threshold. According to Beyond Zero Emissions, 350 ppm was the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere at which the fragmentation of the ice in the Arctic Sea started (Coghill, Sampford and Smith, 2011, p. 129). An amount in the area around 280 and 325 ppm is seen as the permissible amount and decreasing the levels in the atmosphere to this amount is appropriate and crucial. The organization believes that can be achieved through the implementation of concentrated plants that harvest solar. The prevailing levels of greenhouse gases that are in the atmosphere are already considerably high to push the climatic system way past the tipping scales (Manahan, 2007, p.215). These levels are at an undesirable risk of dangerous and permanent changes to the climate of the globe, biodiversity, and by extension, human civilization (Shukla, 1997, p. 173). These changes have a direct impact on

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Effects of the Second World War on Asia and Africa Essay

Effects of the Second World War on Asia and Africa - Essay Example omists for this reason argue that decolonisation occurred due to economic reasons as colonial powers came to enjoy all the benefits of colonies without bearing heavy costs of ruling over them1. There were also movements of independence springing is different parts of Africa. Asian decolonisation may be due to economic reasons but this allowed other colonies to struggle for their freedom too. After the Second World War the hold of colonial powers started to slip as countries started to demand rights. It was also no longer feasible to control so many geographical regions both economically and politically. The feeling of being ‘used’ as a tool in the Second World War also played a role in springing independence movements. All in all decolonisation was the most significant after effect of the Second World War. Without the war it would have been difficult for Asian and African colonies to gain independence. Now we will discuss how decolonisation affected Asia and Africa. Effe cts on Asia People of Asia were involved in directly in the Second World War. British India participated in the war by lending soldiers as well as raw materials to the British Empire. Initially it was difficult for the British Empire to get the support of the Indian people but with the promise of independence Indian people were taken on board for the Second World War. Netherland, Spain, Portugal, and France also had colonies in Asia but due to their weak economic situation they had to draw out of their colonies. The first country to decolonise after Second World War was Indonesia which was under Dutch control. Spain too drew out of territories they controlled. This was all because of the effects of Second World War. The war weakened all the countries to great extent and therefore they had to pull... This essay seeks to examine effects of the Second World War on Africa and Asia. It is discussed how the end of Second World War paved the way for independence of the colonised countries in Africa and Asia. It also talks about the after-effects of decolonisation on Asian and African continents. The Second World War ended in a disaster. Japan was facing severe problems due to atomic bomb. Europe was completely destroyed as millions were affected from the war. Great Britain, France, Netherland, Spain, United States, and Soviet Union all had colonies all over the world at the time. It can be said that there was no ‘third world’ in pre Second World War scene and most of the world was controlled by the above mentioned colonisers. The effect of the damages of Second World War was great. Economically almost all the countries were suffering including the colonies themselves. The situation of the natives of colonies was not economically healthy since The Great Depression as prices of raw materials were falling constantly. The paper concludes that the long term effects of Second World War were great on Africa and Asia as new countries came into existence and new forms of nationalism were founded. New countries played an active role in international politics as well as in trade. Today Asian countries are growing at a great pace and the once ‘third world’ is now powering up to gain economic supremacy over western countries. All this began with the end of Second World War and decolonisation.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Starting your Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Starting your Marketing Plan - Essay Example A syndicated mall is a convenient location to attract people who will walk past the mall. Segment location of Zsamar’s Barber Salon will spreads around ten miles within the radius of the mall. The location of the salon will harbor a target population of 4500 people. The location of Zsamar’s Barber Salon will consider various demographic, behavioral, and geographical factors. The business will serve their target market from a centrally located region. Geographically, Zsamar’s Barber Salon immediate city is New York and the communities that will surround the business consist of 100,300 people. Demographically, the business will serve adult women, teens, young women, and children. Consequently, 3-12 years will comprise 0.1% of the target market, 13-19 years will comprise 14% of the target population, 20-30 years will comprise 26%, while 30 years and above will comprise 56% of the target population. Based on the business’ distribution, the services and product s of Zsamar’s Barber Salon will be dispensed from the central

Monday, July 22, 2019

Images of nurse and nursing Essay Example for Free

Images of nurse and nursing Essay The article entitled â€Å"Perceived and real barriers for men entering nursing: Implications for gender diversity,† aimed to explain the barriers, whether perceived or real, for men seeking a career in nursing. It is theorized that the public image of nursing is that of a traditional feminine career. However, in lieu with the recent nursing shortage that has been plaguing the country, it is speculated that men remain as an untapped reservoir of potential nurses and need to be targeted through recruitment strategies (Roth Coleman, 2008). The authors established in their paper that if the barriers, whether real or perceived, can be addressed to suggest strategies that can ameliorate these barriers, then the recruitment of males into the profession may help in providing more nurses to fill the shortage. The image of nurses has been long depicted as a young female taking care of the ill and subordinate to male physicians and administrators (Roth Coleman, 2008). These women are also perceived as not capable of making important decisions and were handmaidens to the physicians. Furthermore, it was researched that according to most students the reason why they did not choose to enter the nursing career is because of a perception that they would not attain job satisfaction and the second was that nurses were too squeamish (Roth Coleman, 2008). Most young men believed that nursing is a profession for females and that they have fears of being perceived as gay or being feminine. Other barriers mentioned was the absence of the historical contributions of nurses who were male, considering that most nursing texts use the pronoun she in referring to nurses and that nursing education programs have been unsuccessful in creating an environment that is conducive for men, e. g. the lack of male professors and clinical instructors. However, there are still a few men who have chosen to enter the nursing profession and a major factor that engrossed men to the nursing profession was the influence of parents, specifically mothers, which are employed in nursing or other healthcare professions. Also, most men in the profession had previous careers and perceived their nursing career to be better than anticipated. The authors suggest that to ameliorate the current barriers, the public perceptions of nursing that create barriers for male nurses has to be challenged. Other suggestions that they presented include the increasing the number of males in the nursing academia and communicate through scholarly articles how gender diversity has enriched the profession. The discussions in schools should include more often the history of men in nursing and that they should also target nontraditional male students that are older and diverse. In response to this article, I deem that there is a truth to what the researchers have speculated that there is perceived barriers that inhibit the males from entering the nursing profession. In lieu with this, the suggested ways in how to ameliorate the situation can help in possibly encouraging the men in joining the profession. It can be noted that majority of the nurses, whether or not working in the clinical setting, students or professors teaching in the academia are females. It has been greatly noted that many male nurses have made the profession more diverse and the physical attributes of males are needed in certain nursing work. Being a nurse, whether or not one has the passion for it and considers it a calling, or was just a nurse by chance, should always bear in mind that this is a profession that only aims to care and hope for the best in the client or the patient’s wellbeing. Furthermore, I deem that the nursing profession should not have any gender biases, as it is a profession that only seeks to care for humanity, both males and females.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Implementing an Electronic Health Record System

Implementing an Electronic Health Record System Implementing Electronic Health Record System Based on HL7 RIM -Reusing the RIM Model Archetypes Nancy Mittal Abstract: It is difficult to exchange healthcare information between different HealthCare Systems. Health Level Seven is a universal standard to facilitate the communication between different HealthCare Systems. Electronic Health Record System is a software platform that store patient health data which maintained by hospital and medical practice. Health Level 7 Reference Information Model was studied to provide the interoperability between different HealthCare Systems. In this paper, we studied about the various version of Health Level Seven standard including HL7 v2.x, HL7 v3.0, HL7 RIM. This paper focused on how the existing structure of HL7 is improved by reusing the HL7 RIM classes such as Act, Role, and Entity etc each are associated with set of attributes. It explains to modify the existing structure of HL7, need to modify the HL7 RIM because HL7 RIM model provide the structure of HL7. This paper also explained the role based queries are performed by the interested stakeholders like pati ents, doctors and hospitals. In this new structural form, role based information is maintained in the centralize database. This research fills the gap between skilled and semi-skilled users and query is performed on role base. Keywords: HL7, RIM, Role, Archetypes 1. Introduction: With the continuous development of health records, maintain and exchange the information in different HealthCare systems has become unavoidable. So, the communication between different hospitals or between different HealthCare system need to improved. Electronic Health Record is a repository of health information in a digital format about an individual patient or population managed by hospitals or medical practice that shared across different HealthCare Systems. It reduces the chances of data replication. More organizations adopt EHR; physicians, nurses and clinicians have greater access to patient information which helps in accurate diagnosis and complete data helps to ensure the best possible care. Electronic Health Record (EHR) system is needed to focus on two requirements: dynamic involvement of different hospitals, patients and HealthCare Systems And the way of maintaining the information. Standard compliant EHR provide facility of communication and to exchange information of patients between different hospitals, doctors, HealthCare systems. Each patient has his own queries respective to their role in the system. The query interface is designed to provide the effective knowledge among different kind of patients, hospitals. Health Level Seven: Heath Level Seven is a standard developing organisation accredited by ANSI (American National Standard Institute) founded in 1987. HL7[1] name refers the top layer of the OSI (Open System Interconnection) layer protocol for the health environment. HL7 specifies a number of various standards health information and also provide communication between different HealthCare System. Standard are the set of rules that allow information to be shared in standardized and reliable manner. HL7 messaging standard: There are two main HL7 messaging standard HL7 v2.x and HL7 v3.0. HL7 v2.x is also called as pipe hat. This standard provides the interoperability specification for health and medical transaction. HL7 v2.x message format are in human readable ASCII and non XML encoding syntax. It supports administrative, logistical, financial as well as clinical messages. HL7 v3.0 provides the interoperability specification for health and medical transaction based on RIM (Reference Information Model). HL7 v3.0 message format based on XML encoding syntax and also on HDF (formal methodology) and object oriented principle. It supports only clinical data. Movement from HL7 v2 to HL7 v3 is that v3 would be model driven methodology means v3 standard support healthcare workflows through modelling; the end result maximize reuse and increase consistency in HL7 specification. Another[2] HL7 v2.7 supports all HealthCare department data for exchange between different HealthCare systems. It reduces the custom interface programming. But it is not plug and play; and not support transaction processing feature. Table1.Difference between HL7 v2.x and HL7 v3.0 HL7 RIM[3] (Reference Information Model): The HL7 Reference Information Model provides the structural information of HL7 in the form of information classes. HL7 RIM is an object oriented model to make compatible the HL7 specification interoperability to all domains. It is important part of the HL7 v3.0 development model. It increases precision and reducing implementation costs. HL7 RIM is based on UML (Unified Modelling Language). Reference information model has five components: Subject Area (major part of am model), class (about which information is collected), Relationship (relation between classes), attribute (information about class), and data type (specification of the format of an attribute). RIM has six main important classes: Act- It represents actions that are executed by entity. Entity: These are the physical things that take part in health care. Role: Role that entity plays as they participate in health care Participation: It represent context for an act such as who perform, for whom and where. ActRelationship: It represents the relationship between actions. RoleLink: It represents the relationship between roles. 2. Related Work: Electronic health record system based on health level seven, and HL7 used to provide the communication between different HealthCare systems, most of the research studies show perplexing which is further discussed in this paper review. Tung Tran, Hwa-Sun Kim[[1]] studied the research on,†A Development of HL7 Middleware for Medical Device Communication† to developed HL7 compliant middleware. Researcher used HL7 as a middleware to facilitate data transfer to information system in hospitals. Middleware has capability of receiving data from monitoring device and converting into HL7 data type format. It receive raw data from medical devices and convert to HL7 data and passed to HIS based on HL7 interface engine. Li-Fan Ko, Jen-Chiun Lin, Chi-Huang Chen, Jie-Sheng Chang, Faipei Lai[[2]] concluded the research on,†HL7 Middleware Framework for Healthcare Information System. Researchers introduce HL7 and web services standard into framework which is basically Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). HL7 directly transmitted data over transport layer protocol TCP/IP: for small application HL7 message over TCP are simple and easy to implement; for larger application, system become complex and attacker increases. This research solved that problem by introducing web services which provide interoperation between software systems. Jennifer Munnelly[[3]] in his research study on, HL7 Healthcare Information Management Using Aspect-Oriented Programming focused the modification in application department without the requirement modification into complete structure by using HL7.Researcher suggested introduce HL7 functionality into exiting application without any modification through AOP. Wooshik Kim[[4]] studied the research on, Integration of IEEE 1451 and HL7 Exchanging Information for Patients’ Sensor Data showed the IEEE 1451 concerned with smart transducer and having plug –play capabilities. Patients wear sensors that measure the patient’s status in real time and transmitted these data to remote sites such as hospital. HL7 accepted this kind of data and interpreted with various online sensor data. Pasquale De Meo[[5]] studied on, Integration of the HL7 Standard in a Multiagent System to Support Personalized Access to e-Health Services. In this paper, he presented a system which has multi agents to maintain patients in seek of health related services in e-health care by using various algorithms PPB, DS-PPB, AB. This proposed system increases the quality service and effectiveness. Maqbool Hussain[[6]] concluded his research on, Healthcare Applications Interoperability through Implementation of HL7 Web Service Basic Profile studied all phases of web service component that implement HL7 Web Service Basic Profile. It is branch of the transportation subsystem progressed at NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Pakistan. Naeem Khalid Janjua[[7]] in research study presented work on, Digital Health Care Ecosystem: SOA Compliant HL7 based Health Care Information Interchange and proposed Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based HL7 system design for patient information and showed the translation from HL7 V2 to V3 and mapping between database and user query. Sara Gaion[[8]] researched on, Design of a Domain Model for Clinical Engineering within the HL7 Reference Information Model. This paper develop a DIM (Domain Information Model) by providing the HL7 RIM to clinical engineering in a particular domain. This paper represent clinical engineering information in the HL7 RIM (Reference Information Model) with the reason of developing a HL7 v3 RIM model based on DIM (Domain Information Model) dedicated to CE(Clinical Engineering) by reuse of standard healthcare information models and show the process of repairing and maintenance of device used in hospital. N.A. Mamani Macedo[[9]] studied the research on, Electronic Health Record: Comparative Analysis of HL7 and Open EHR Approaches. This paper showed the comparison between HL7 and openEHR to automatism a Patient’s Record in any hospital which adopted: HL7 and OpenEHR. The method includes analyzing each way, defining some criteria of evaluation, design a comparative chart. 3. Design model: The work is defined with the specification of the hospital and the relative attributes and the functional specification. It defines the role and requirement to specify the functional dependencies and its requirements. The role is defined for all the interested patients and hospitals and all interested users are connected to it along with their specified roles. The hospital is responsible for the information updating as well as to generate the query that queried by patients to obtain the information access about the patient, disease or diagnose. Complete information is defined in the form of centralized repository. Model is in the form of a query interface in which the communication to the system and different hospitals maintain the information in different way so that the mapping is required between the query set and the hospitals. To establish this mapping, the structural constructs for the system are defined so that the functional based information transition will be take place. Steps in implementation model First step is role identification and analysis: Users in this system are patients and hospitals(health organization). Role is defined for all the interested users ,patients and hospitals and they are coonnected to it along with their hospitals. Second step is role specific query generation: Hospitals is reasponsible for the information updating as wel as to generate the query that queried by patients to obtain the information access about the patient,disease and diagnose. Third step is query filteration and mapping done by RIM model: Complete information is defined in the form of centralized dataset.Model in the form of query interface in which the communication to the system and diff hospitals maintain the information in diff way. So that mapping is required between query set and hospitals. Last step query result are extraced. 4. Conclusion: In changing the structure of HL7 and increasing the reusability over existing HL7 RIM model by reuse the RIM model archetypes. HL7 standard facilitate to exchange and sharing the healthcare information among different hospitals or in between different healthcare systems. We concluded that we extract the existing HL7 RIM model and improve the reusability over existing model by reusing the classes of RIM model and implement the user interface to accept request from different users and process the role base Queries. References: [1] Health Level Seven (HL7), [2] Explorative study of healthcare data Interchange standards [3] [[1]] Tung, Kim, Cho,† A Development of HL7 Middleware for Medical Device Communication†, Fifth International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications [[2]] Li-Fan Ko, Jen-Chiun Lin, Chi-Huang Chen, Jie-Sheng Chang, Faipei Lai,† HL7 Middleware Framework for Healthcare Information System†. Basically framework is service oriented architecture (SOA)†. [[3]] Jennifer Munnelly, HL7 Healthcare Information Management Using Aspect-Oriented Programming, International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, pp 1 – 4 ¸2009 [[4]] Wooshik Kim, Integration of IEEE 1451 and HL7 Exchanging Information for Patients’ Sensor Data, J Med Syst, pp 1033–1041, 2010 [[5]] Pasquale De Meo, Integration of the HL7 Standard in a Multiagent System to Support Personalized Access to e-Health Services, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, pp 1244 1260, 2011 [[6]] Maqbool Hussain, Healthcare Applications Interoperability through Implementation of HL7 Web Service Basic Profile, Sixth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, pp 308 313 ¸2009 [[7]][7] Naeem Khalid Janjua, Digital Health Care Ecosystem: SOA Compliant HL7 based Health Care Information Interchange, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies, pp 329 – 334, 2009 [[8]] [8] Sara Gaion, Design of a Domain Model for Clinical Engineering within the HL7 Reference Information Model, IEEE Workshop on Health Care Management, pp 1 6 , 2010 [[9]] N.A. Mamani Macedo, Electronic Health Record: Comparative Analysis of HL7 and Open EHR Approaches, Pan American Health Care Exchange, pp 105 – 110, 2010

Vitamin C Deterioration in Orange Juice

Vitamin C Deterioration in Orange Juice This experimental investigation was designed to examine the deterioration of vitamin c (ascorbic acid) content when placed in conditions with different oxidization and temperature exposure. Home brand orange juice was placed in different temperatures, such as room temperature, freezer, and fridge. Also with different oxidization as one beaker from each temperature was covered with glad wrap. Over 6 weeks, mold, smells, fungi, bacteria and evaporation where just some of the observations that we made. Although, as well as observing we took test results and it was evident that freezer uncovered and freezer covered had the most content of vitamin c preserved. Over 6 weeks 8ml of orange juice was used from each beaker to test with indophenol, with most juices the juice can be added to the indophenol solution until the juice becomes clear. In some cases the orange juice wont change clear, and go a pinky brown. For this reason a control is used to compare colours. Over 6 weeks the experimen t was conducted, data was collected and reached a conclusion based on the findings. Introduction: [4] Vitamin c is an organic compound consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, vitamin c is a water-soluble vitamin, being water-soluble this means that the body doesnt store it. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is one of the least toxic substances and this is why vitamin c is necessary for growth and development; it helps repair tissue in all parts of the body. [10]Vitamin c helps the body make an important protein called collagen, in which is used to make skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels, vitamin c is also essential for healing wounds and helping maintain and repair bones and teeth. [4] Vitamin C is also essential in an individuals health for the maintenance of healthy connective tissue, which gives support and structure for other tissues and organs. [5]However, the protective role of vitamin C goes far beyond our skin and gums. Cardiovascular diseases, cancers, joint diseases and cataracts are all associated with vitamin C deficiency and can be partly prevented by optimal intake of vitamin C. [6]Vitamin C achieves much of its protective effect by functioning as an antioxidant and preventing oxygen-based damage to our cells. Structures that contain fat (like the lipoprotein molecules that carry fat around our body) are particularly dependent on vitamin C for protection. The human body uses vitamin c to complete a variety of chemical reactions, for example providing energy to cells and sending information through to neutrons. [7]Vitamin C is also very important because it metabolizes cholesterol, which means it may help lower cholesterol levels. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient responsible for manufacturing compounds and aiding in basic chemical functions. Humans must ingest vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, because we cannot make it ourselves. [11]The body gets its daily allowance of this vitamin by eating raw fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet. [8]Vitamin C is needed in order to help the body to protect cells and to keep them healthy. Vitamin C is found wide variety of foods, mainly being in the fruit and vegetable areas. Good sources include: Broccoli Brussel sprouts Sweet potatoes Oranges Kiwi fruit Red berries Red and green bell peppers Tomatoes spinach Juices made from guava, grapefruit, and orange Vitamin C deficiencies occur as part of general under nutrition, but severe deficiency is uncommon. Vitamin C deficiency symptoms include: Dry and splitting hair Bleeding gums Rough, dry, scaly skin Decreased wound-healing rate Easy bruising Nosebleeds Weakened tooth enamel Swollen and painful joints Anemia Decreased ability to fight infection Possible weight gain because of slowed metabolism [21]A severe vitamin C deficiency is called scurvy, is a medical condition caused by a lack of vitamin C. Left untreated, scurvy can be fatal, but fortunately this condition is extremely easy to address, as all that is required to eliminate scurvy is an increase of vitamin C intake. Scurvy is relatively rare in the modern era, thanks to widespread knowledge about the need for vitamin C, but it sometimes appears in malnourished individuals, infants, and the elderly. Early signs of scurvy include fatigue and joint pain. If the condition is allowed to progress, a distinctive rash will develop on the legs, the mucus membranes will start to bleed, former fracture sites may come apart, and the patient will experience severe muscle weakness. The lack of vitamin C allows the connective tissues of the body to essentially pull apart, allowing blood to leak freely through the blood vessels, and causing long-term damage to the muscles if the condition is not caught early. If vitamin C an individual intakes too much vitamin C it can result in stomach pain, diarrhea and flatulence. [9]As humans cannot synthesize Vitamin C in their own bodies, there have a great need for dietary supplements of it. Although, good sources of vitamin C are fresh fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits. Vitamin C can also be made in a laboratory; most experts recommend getting vitamin C from a diet high in fruits and vegetables rather than taking supplements. Vitamin c supplements are effective for treatment and prevention of vitamin C deficiency, including scurvy, also these supplements are likely to be effective for improving the way the body absorbs iron and treating a disease called tyrosinemia in newborns when given as an injection. [2]Vitamin C is safe for most people when taken by mouth in recommended doses or when applied to the skin. In some people, vitamin C might cause nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach cramps, headache, and other side effects. The chance of getting these side effects increases the more vitamin C you take. Amounts higher than 2000 mg per day are at risk and may cause side effects, including kidney stones and severe diarrhea. In people who have had a kidney stone, amounts greater than 1000 mg per day greatly increase the risk of kidney stone recurrence. [3]Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant and as a coenzyme. Molecules called free radicals are formed during normal cell metabolism. Free radicals cause damage by reacting with fats and proteins in cell membranes and genetic material. This process is called oxidation. Antioxidants like vitamin C are compounds that attach themselves to free radicals so that it is impossible for the free radical to react with, or oxidize, other molecules. During the manufacturing stage of processing Orange juice manufacture add extra vitamin C into the liquid in order for the orange juice to deteriorate less than usual, this is also so the orange juice content abides with the label that is processed onto the packaging, this same label also states requirements after opening the juice in order when to store the juice and at what temperature. If false statements are given on the label the manufacture can face serious consequences. Therefore, the aim of this experiment is to investigate what environmental factors cause the rate of vitamin c to deteriorate quicker, with variable conditions being oxygen exposure, different temperatures and also oxidization. Our hypothesis is that the room temperature would lose vitamin c faster due to the factors of temperature oxidization. Materials 2L Home brand orange juice 6 x250ml beakers 9xPipettes 18x Test tubes 3xTest tube racks glad wrap paper pen sticky take Indophenol solution 0.1% 2xWatch glasses 1x scalpel Method A All materials were gathered Each beaker was designated a number(1-6) which is written on a piece of paper and stuck to beaker using sticky tape The beakers are then put in pairs (1-2,3-4,5-6) Each beaker pair is then designated to an area room temperature (25degrees-37degrees), fridge (3 degrees) and freezer (-5 degrees) this is also written on the paper attached to beaker 230mL of home brand orange juice was then carefully poured into each beaker Each beaker was then tested with indophenol to find standard (refer to method B) In each designated area (room temperature, fridge or freezer) one beaker was chosen to be covered with glad wrap making the liquid unable to breathe. Each beaker was then placed in designated area and leave juices for one week Gathered 18x test tubes 3x test tube rack and 9xpepits and 2x watch glasses 1x scalpel Gathered all samples of juice and placed on designated safe work bench Observed any noticeable changes (smells, colours, molds fungi) and recorded in log book 15 drops of indophenol was put into each test tube using a pipette Using a pipette orange juice was carefully added to the indophenol solution each drop was carefully counted and swirled after each drop until a colour changed occurred. Recorded how many drops in each test tube along with what designated area and covered or non-covered Retested each beaker once a week by repeating steps 9-12 On Microsoft excel, each week data was entered in, and created a table format, with the headings, which test it was 1-6, average and standard error, with each weeks tests results (number of drops) being put under the headings 1-6 and also what it was and where (fridge uncovered.) This was done each week and a line graph was made Method B- establishing standard Placed 15 drops of indophenol solution into a test tube Added 0.1% ascorbic acid solution, one drop at a time, into the indophenol. Counted the drops added. Swirled the test tube after each drop was added Continued until the indophenol becomes colorless What was the total number drops of 0.1% ascorbic acid solution required to decolorize the indophenol solution. Results Graph no. 3- Abscorbic Acid Standard Photo 1: Week 1 Beakers with labels Photo 2: Week 2- Mold and fungal organisms present on room  temperature covered Photo 3: Week 3- Obvious colour change in beaker 4, water vapor  present on beaker 3 and beaker 2 significant evaporation Photo 4 Photo 5: Week 4- Change of colour in beaker 3 and 4 evaporation in beaker 2 Photo 6: 5- Obvious colour change and evaporation in beaker 1 2 Photo 7: Week 6- Photo 8: Week 6- Fungal organisms in room temperature beakers Photo 9: Week 6- Fungal organism found in beaker 3 room temperature covered fridge covered fridge uncovered Room temp covered Room temp uncovered Freezer covered Freezer uncovered It is highly evident that the main trends throughout this experiment are: The higher the temperature the increase in level of evaporation The uncovered samples above freezing displayed much higher level of evaporation compared to covered samples The freezing samples displayed same amount of evaporation for covered and uncovered Orange juice becomes more intense over the content of 6 weeks due to evaporation Fungal organisms increase the vitamin c content Evaporation played a major part in this experiment. Evaporation is the process of liquid turning into gas by mechanisms such as: the fastest moving molecules at the surface of the liquid have enough energy to break the attractive bonds with other molecules. They then escape the surface of the substances. Since at higher temperatures the molecules have more kinetic energy, more of them are likely to escape and so evaporation occurs more quickly at higher temperatures. The rate of evaporation is higher due to factors such as: increased temperatures, high humidity and wind exposure. [15,16,17] Oxidization is a common form of chemical reaction which is the combining of oxygen with various elements and compounds; oxidation also transfers hydrogen atoms or electrons from one molecule to another. Oxidization is a reaction in which the atoms in an element lose electrons and the valence of the element is correspondingly increased. .[12, 14] Oxygen, the most plentiful element on earth, combines readily with numerous other elements. When combined with other elements in a compound or molecule, oxygen frequently is an electron hog. It takes electrons away from many other elements and this oxidizes them. The oxygen takes the negatively charged electrons and becomes a negatively charged ion. The oxygen has been reduced. However without certain factors affecting the rate of oxidization, it can be reduced quiet significantly.[12,13,14] A number of factors affect the oxidation rate, including temperature, pressure, crystal orientation, oxygen source (oxygen or water) and impurity doping. Oxide growth rate is very sensitive to temperature, because the oxygen diffusion rate in silicon dioxide is exponentially related with temperature, increasing temperature can significantly increase the oxide growth. Oxide growth rate is also related to the oxygen source. Dry oxidation with O2 has a lower oxide growth rate than wet oxidation with H2O. This is because the diffusion rate of the oxygen molecule O2 in silicon dioxide is lower than that of hydroxide HO generated from the dissociation of H2O molecules at high temperature. Therefore the wet oxidation process is preferred to grow thick oxide layers. [ 13,14] Fungi are classified within their own kingdom The Kingdom Fungi, while some are in the Kingdom Protista. A fungus is similar to a plant, but it has no chlorophyll and cannot make its own food like a plant can through photosynthesis. They get their food by absorbing nutrients from their surroundings. The kingdom includes the yeasts, molds, smuts, and mushrooms. Fungi must take in food materials synthesized by other organisms due to the absence of chlorophyll; the fungi cannot photosynthesize their food from simple substances. Saprophytic fungi derive food from dead and decaying materials. [18,19,20] Fungi exist in various habitats, including deep down in the ocean, lakes, rocks, deserts, very salty environments, and areas of extremely high or low temperatures. However, factors such as temperature, water and light all affect the rate of fungal organisms growing. Fungi grow best in warm temperatures. Various species of fungi do grow better at warm temperatures; moreover, there are a number of fungal organisms that thrive in very high temperatures of and few that will thrive in very low temperatures below freezing. [18,19,20] Fungi need lots of water to grow. For most fungi this is true. This is why fungi are more of a problem in the tropics than in temperate areas of the world. Personal property that is normally safe from fungi, such as clothing and shoes, can be damaged in the tropics. However, some fungi can grow in very dry conditions. At the other extreme, there are also fungi that can live under water. Also, fungi can only grow in the dark. For the most part, light does not play a role in how well fungi grow. [18,19,20] It is evident in the results that the higher the temperature the increased level of evaporation, by viewing the outcome in the evaporation graph it can be seen that the fridge uncovered sample evaporated 7x more than the freezer sample and the room temperature uncovered evaporated 14x more than the freezer samples. This is due to the higher temperatures in the room which increases the movement of molecules at the surfaces of the orange juice resulting in the molecules having enough energy to break the attractive bonds with other molecules, resulting in the molecules escaping the surface of the substance, and escaping into the air as water vapor. It was apparent that room temperature uncovered sample (25-37degrees) had evaporated the most. The reason being that, this beaker was in direct sunlight, increasing the temperature and the juice temperature was increased over the other samples. This is due to the fact the molecules of a warmer liquid (room temperature) are vibrating more frequently and with more energy than in a cool liquid(freezer). The added energy of heat therefore makes it easier for a given molecule to escape the liquid. Oxidization impacted the results significantly as the uncovered samples above freezing displayed much higher evaporation compared to covered samples. This is due the samples of uncovered beakers easier being able to obtain more oxygen; this is because the oxide growth rate growing process grows thick oxide layers within a wet or damp area. Also, the juice was subject to higher temperatures, this was because there was no layer in between the gas, to the orange juice, it is apparent that through our data the higher the temperature increases significant oxide growth. It was demonstrated that at freezing both evaporation and oxidization had minimal affect on the samples. On the evaporation graph it is evident that there was minimal evaporation within the both freezing samples. Both freezing samples evaporated approximately 10ml over the duration of 6 weeks. This is because the freezer temperature being at -10 degrees it would have slowed down the process of evaporation due to the fact the molecules would have been moving slower than usual and it would have had insufficient energy amount to break the attractive bonds with other molecules. Making the substance unable to escape from the liquid. At freezing it is evident there is little kinetic energy within the sample resulting in almost no evaporation and zero oxidization as both the covered and uncovered samples returned the same result. It was evident through our data that the ascorbic acid content changed dramatically over time. The orange juice became more intense over the content of 6 weeks, with each sample ascorbic levels increasing or staying the same. This is evident in the change in % ascorbic acid content over time. Over the duration of 6 weeks it was evident due to the results that via, oxidation and evaporation the juices became more intense with vitamin c. Not only was it oxidation and evaporation, but it also includes fungal growth. Fungal growth played a major part in the room temperature samples. Over the duration of this experiment fungal growth was observed, first sighted in week two. From the data our results showed, fungal organisms and bacteria increase the levels of vitamin c. Fungal organisms thrive in warmer conditions and of off moister this is evident in the way the fungal organisms only grew in the room temperature samples. In the warmer climate the bacteria and fungi reproduce faster and more frequent, this would increase the growth of fungal organisms within the room temperature samples.[22] Kambucha tea is an example where fungal organisms secrete vitamin c into the drink, the drink is known as the miracle fungus. Kambucha tea relates to this experiment and the orange juice b ecause, they both have vitamin c being produced into the liquid via, fungal organisms. Our hypothesis was that room temperature would lose vitamin c the fastest, from the data and results that were produced, it is evident that the room temperature samples within the first 1-3 weeks dropped significantly, however, in week 3 there was a sudden change to the results and both room temperature samples started increasing in vitamin c content. Therefore our statement was correct for the first 1-3 weeks and then deemed incorrect for the final results of this experiment. In conclusion, the major outcomes of this experiment are that evaporation, oxidization, and fungal organisms are all different factors that have affected the orange juice deterioration process. Temperatures and oxygen exposure also played a large role throughout this experiment. In doing this experiment again in the future, more research and prior background knowledge would have been benefited. Also, having more temperature variables would increase the data and would help in order to broaden this experiment. The author would like to acknowledge Katy Ollard and Maddison Hoffman in working well as a team and helping each other in order to increase background knowledge. As well as Mr. Fesuk, in helping in providing background knowledge about vitamin c and kambucha tea and helping within the practical side as well.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Compare The Young Ravens That Call Upon Him and When Twilight Falls Upon The Stump Lots :: essays research papers

Compare The Young Ravens That Call Upon Him and When Twilight Falls Upon The Stump Lots  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sir Charles G.D Roberts' stories "The Young Ravens That Call Upon Him" and "When Twilight Falls Upon The Stump Lots" are similar in a lot of ways.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The point of view in the Young Ravens story is told from the eagle, the point of view in the Stump Lots is omniscient. In the "young ravens" story the eagle is the protagonist and the ewe is the antagonist. In the "stump lots" story the bear is the protagonist and the cow is the antagonist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In both stories the setting is beautifully described with a lot of description. They both take place in nature during the spring. One story however takes place in a valley wile the other takes place in the stump lots. There is pathetic fallacy in the description of both stories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The plot of both stories is quite similar. They are both about hunting larger prey to survive, both about the motherly instinct of protectingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? ones youngà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. However in the stump lots no one comes out a head and in theà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? ravensà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? story the eagles seem to come out satisfied, although the story does not go into great detail about the eagles fate. In the stump lots story man is present and the story ends with an irony of situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is foreshadowing in the young ravens story because it keeps on mentioning how unsafe the valley was for the ewe and lamb to be wondering around alone with out the rest of the flock. Also the story kept saying how hunger the eaglets were.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The theme in the young ravens story is....... one animal destroys another while innocently fulfilling the laws of its own nature. The theme in the other story is.....size and strength does not always prevail against an animals motherly instinct in nature, however man can make all the efforts in vain.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the young ravens story a filling of piety is created towards the lamb because it had not yet had a chance to live. Also you feel sorry for the ewe because it is wondering around helplessly looking for her lamb separated in the wild from her flock.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the stump lot story you feel sorry for the bear because she is just trying to feed her cubs and she gets killed. Also when the dying bears last wish to get to her cubs is denied from her you cant help but feel bad.. You feel pity for the cow because all her efforts of trying to

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Unscrupulous Iago of Shakespeares Othello Essay -- Othello essays

In William Shakespeare's play, Othello, there is an example of evil personified. He is the character of Iago, and he wreaks havoc and destruction on all those under his influence. As the play develops, we see unfolded a plethora of lies, deceptions and clever schemes. Iago seizes every opportunity to advance his malicious plan to his advantage. Greed and jealousy play a major role as a motive for his various schemes. Iago first reveals his cunning and unscrupulous behavior in his encounter with Rodrigo.   Iago easily controls Rodrigo and he is very aware of his power over him.   He plans to use his influence over him for his own good.   He shows this by saying "Thus do I ever make my fool my purse; For I mine own gained knowledge should profane If I would time expend with such a snipe".   We learn that Iago has a secret hatred for both Othello and Cassio.   Iago says he hates Othello because he has denied Iago a promotion and for Cassio because he now occupies Iago's desired position of lieutenant.   His motive is to seek revenge upon both these characters.   Rodrigo has a shared hatred for Othello for his own and when he suggests he would not serve him, Iago reveilles his scheming plan for Othello by saying to him "O, sir, content you.   I will follow him to serve my turn upon him."   By saying this Iago shows that he plans to cleverly trick Othello of being loyal to him and th en eventually use him for his own ends.   In his first attempt to bring down Othello, he and Rodrigo tell Brabantio that Othello has kidnapped his daughter Desdemona.   This is a dishonorable act as this is definitely a lie and told to Desdemona's father only to anger him towards Othello.   Brabantio is also a senator and has the power to dismiss Othello from hi... ...s. "Two Worldviews Echo Each Other." Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Shakespeare: The Pattern in His Carpet. N.p.: n.p., 1970. Gardner, Helen. "Othello: A Tragedy of Beauty and Fortune." Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from "The Noble Moor." British Academy Lectures, no. 9, 1955. Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos. Wright, Louis B. and Virginia A. LaMar. "The Engaging Qualities of Othello." Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Introduction to The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare. N. p.: Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1957.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Management :: essays research papers

Level of planning paper In 2000, the Primeco Wireless submerged, and emerged as Verizon Wireless; the need for speed was gaining momentum. Verizon Wireless Online DSL, digital subscriber’s line, is the number one telecommunication industry appearing in the FORTUNE Magazine; it has listed as the most Admired Company. Hay Group Fortune Magazine. The founder of Verizon Company is Darby Checketts; he was a man with a vision. This fast speed company under the CEO, Chairman, leadership of Ivan Seidenberg, has grown into an internet king. There are over 208,000 employees at the Verizon Online DSL Wireless Company, with an upward of $13 billion dollars a year in technology, it has 2.7 million shareowners and services billions of customers in communities all over America and the World. At least a 100 million people are connected by Verizon network everyday, whether at home, at work or on the go. Women Warriors has discovered in their research the highlights, accomplishments, and opportunities of Verizon to improve their customers lives in six areas that make up Verizon approach to corporate responsibility:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ethic and Governance   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Service and Innovation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Empowering Employees   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Promoting Community’s Growth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Protecting the Environment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Partnering with Communities Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths and weaknesses are essentially internal to the organization and relate to matters concerning resources, programs, and organization in key areas. Strengths & Weaknesses are internal to the business and Opportunities & Threats are external. Verizon Communications Inc is one of the world's leading providers of communications services. With a diverse work force of more than 208,000, Verizon has four business units. Domestic Telecom serves customers based in 29 states with wireline telecommunications services, including broadband, nationwide long-distance and other services. Verizon Wireless owns and operates the nation's most reliable wireless network, serving 42.1 million voice and data customers across the United States. Information Services operates directory-publishing businesses and provides electronic commerce services. International includes wire line and wireless operations and investments, primarily in the Americas and Europe. Strategic Planning Process Strategy is define as the continuous, iterative planning process, which focuses on Keeping an organization competitive in its environment (Miller & Dess, 1997). Strategic planning is complex, laborious, and time consuming. Accordingly, an organization must allocate resources and time to the strategic planning process. ( Strengths Verizon strengths are its resources and capabilities that can be use as a basis for a competitive advantage. Verizon business strategy is to archive a sustainable competitive advantage such as. Cost advantage Differentiation advantage Verizon is able to deliver the same benefits as the other communication companies, but a lower cost, (cost advantage) or deliver benefits that exceed the competing products (differentiation advantage). Management :: essays research papers Level of planning paper In 2000, the Primeco Wireless submerged, and emerged as Verizon Wireless; the need for speed was gaining momentum. Verizon Wireless Online DSL, digital subscriber’s line, is the number one telecommunication industry appearing in the FORTUNE Magazine; it has listed as the most Admired Company. Hay Group Fortune Magazine. The founder of Verizon Company is Darby Checketts; he was a man with a vision. This fast speed company under the CEO, Chairman, leadership of Ivan Seidenberg, has grown into an internet king. There are over 208,000 employees at the Verizon Online DSL Wireless Company, with an upward of $13 billion dollars a year in technology, it has 2.7 million shareowners and services billions of customers in communities all over America and the World. At least a 100 million people are connected by Verizon network everyday, whether at home, at work or on the go. Women Warriors has discovered in their research the highlights, accomplishments, and opportunities of Verizon to improve their customers lives in six areas that make up Verizon approach to corporate responsibility:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ethic and Governance   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Service and Innovation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Empowering Employees   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Promoting Community’s Growth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Protecting the Environment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Partnering with Communities Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths and weaknesses are essentially internal to the organization and relate to matters concerning resources, programs, and organization in key areas. Strengths & Weaknesses are internal to the business and Opportunities & Threats are external. Verizon Communications Inc is one of the world's leading providers of communications services. With a diverse work force of more than 208,000, Verizon has four business units. Domestic Telecom serves customers based in 29 states with wireline telecommunications services, including broadband, nationwide long-distance and other services. Verizon Wireless owns and operates the nation's most reliable wireless network, serving 42.1 million voice and data customers across the United States. Information Services operates directory-publishing businesses and provides electronic commerce services. International includes wire line and wireless operations and investments, primarily in the Americas and Europe. Strategic Planning Process Strategy is define as the continuous, iterative planning process, which focuses on Keeping an organization competitive in its environment (Miller & Dess, 1997). Strategic planning is complex, laborious, and time consuming. Accordingly, an organization must allocate resources and time to the strategic planning process. ( Strengths Verizon strengths are its resources and capabilities that can be use as a basis for a competitive advantage. Verizon business strategy is to archive a sustainable competitive advantage such as. Cost advantage Differentiation advantage Verizon is able to deliver the same benefits as the other communication companies, but a lower cost, (cost advantage) or deliver benefits that exceed the competing products (differentiation advantage).

The Shape of the Water Stain

With my eyes heavy from exhaustion, I roll over and glance at the clock for the eighth time tonight: 2:37am. As I turn back over, my thoughts echoing stresses from the day I just survived, I sigh in desperation. It's only Wednesday, and despite my intense fatigue and futile attempts, for the third time this week, I cannot fall asleep. While I study the shape of the water stain on my ceiling, I try to imagine how many hours I have spent staring at that same spot and how many hours of sleep I have lost over the years. It's maddening. How can I be so incredibly tired but still find it nearly impossible to fall asleep? When I do finally fall asleep, why do I wake up still feeling exhausted? Why does this keep happening to me?Insomnia is acommon sleeping disorder that causes perpetual sleeplessness, and millions of people suffer from this disorder every day. According to Dr. David N. Neubauer of the Department of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, â€Å"thirty percent ofadults experience insomnia at least occasionally, and ten percent have persistent insomnia. † Furthermore, women, elderly people, and those with specific medical conditions are even more susceptible to the effects of insomnia. Routinely experiencing an insufficient amount of sleep has been linked to many extremely dangerous side effects. As stated by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults with sleep insufficiencies are at a high risk for developing chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, and obesity, as well as cancer, increased mortality, and reduced quality of life and productivity (â€Å"Insufficient Sleep†). In the book, Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation, written for the National Academy of Sciences by the Committee on Sleep Medicine and Research, Harvey Colten and Bruce Altevogt note, â€Å"compared to healthy individuals, those suffering from sleep loss and sleep disorders are less productive, have an increased health care utilization, and have an increased likelihood of injury,† and alarmingly, â€Å"almost 20 percent of all serious car crash injuries in the general population are associated with driver sleepiness.† With an estimated 50 to 70 million adults in the US suffering from chronic sleep disorders (Colten and Altevogt), this issue and its side effects continue to grow even more concerning.Possible CausesBehavioral IssuesOne possible cause of insomnia are behavioral issues. In the book Adolescent Insomnia, Dr. J. R. Morrison, a professor of counseling, and Brian Storey, a research assistant at the University of San Diego, explain that, â€Å"behavioral issues that cause insomnia include ‘lifestyle' problems that are not conducive to sound sleep.† Examples of such habits include irregular bedtimes and rising hours, long naps during the day, and use of stimulants like coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages. Irregular bedtimes and excessive napping alters a patient's internal clock and makes it difficult for their brain to decipher whether it is the appropriate time for sleep or not. Additionally, The National Sleep Foundation states that, â€Å"certain substances and activities, including eating patterns, can contribute to insomnia.† In the article, â€Å"What Causes Insomnia?† the NSF mentions that consuming stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine, as well as alcohol and heavy meals can cause sleep disruption. Ingesting or using any of these substances creates high levels of brain activity. A hyperactive brain can make it extremely difficult to fall asleep and remain asleep.Even though lifestyle choices are considered to be a very prevalent cause of insomnia, there are certain researchers who believe otherwise. In the Medical News Todayjournal, Peter Crosta, who studied at Columbia University, says that â€Å"[T]here is often an underlying medical condition that causes chronic insomnia.† He continues to explain that lifestyle choices should not be considered a true cause of insomnia. Crosta believes that insomnia is not based on decisions that a patient makes for themselves, and it is solely based on medical factors alone.Chronic Medical ConditionsAnother potential cause for insomnia are chronic medical conditions. The National Sleep Foundation gives examples of these medical issues; those include â€Å"nasal/sinus allergies, gastrointestinal problems, endocrine problems, arthritis, asthma, and parkinson's disease.† These certain medical conditions create symptoms like crippling pain, runny nose, constant coughing, difficulty breathing, and tremors. Such symptoms make it nearly impossible for patients to be able fall asleep and stay asleep.In the article, â€Å"Ask Yourself 8 Questions,† in the Current Psychiatryjournal, Dr. David N Neubauer, describes how, â€Å"pain or discomfort caused by a medical condition may undermine sleep quality.† Neubauer goes on to explain that, â€Å"certain cardiovascular, pulmonary, endocrine, rheumatologic, and orthopedic disorders are associated withinsomnia.† Essentially, he is saying that these medical conditions can cause symptoms that would make insufficient sleep more likely. Although these medical conditions causing insomnia is a widely accepted theory, J. R. Morrison and Brian Storey mention in their book, Adolescent Insomnia, that they believe that, â€Å"poor sleep is a learned habit,† as opposed to something caused by a medical condition. They explain that this theory is based upon how people can examine and adjust their sleeping habits and cure their insomnia. They do not believe that this would be possible if it were truly caused by those specific medical conditions.Psychological DisordersAnother possible cause of insomnia is an underlying psychological disorder. The National Sleep Foundation has found that â€Å"Insomnia can be caused by psychiatric conditions such as depression and anxiety.† Based on their studies, they have found that patients with major depressive disorders are at a much higher risk of developing insomnia. Furthermore, they described that certain symptoms of anxiety, such as tension and excessive worrying, cause high levels of brain activity which leads to chronic sleep deprivation.In the book Adolescent Insomnia, Dr. J. R. Morrison and Brian Storey discuss and explore several different aspects of insomnia. Morrison and Storey state that â€Å"psychological factors [of insomnia] include anxiety and depression.† The pair go on to explain that people who deal with anxiety often struggle to initially fall asleep, while those with depression tend to frequently awaken early in the morning and find themselves unable to fall back asleep. In either scenario, the psychological issue clearly creates a condition where the person is unable to gain sufficient sleep.Even though the evidence seems unambiguous, there is a possibility that psychological issues are not at the root of insomnia. â€Å"Although many people believe that psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety cause insomnia, the reverse may actually be true,† argues Henry Olders, an assistant professor of psychiatry at McGill University in Montreal. Olders bases his claim off of research done by The National Institutes of Mental Health. Their studies found that, â€Å"the risk of developing new depression was 39.8 times higher for insomniacs than for those without sleep problems.† Essentially, both the NIMH and Henry Olders have found that insomnia leads to an onset of depression and anxiety, as opposed to the other way around. Considering the results of this study, there is no way to fully conclude that insomnia is actually caused by psychological disorders.The most likely cause of insomnia is behavioral and lifestyle choices. There are more people in the United States that drink excessive amounts of caffeine, smoke cigarettes, and eat heavy meals before bedtime, than people with serious psychological or medical conditions. This means that most people with insomnia, most likely have made specific lifestyle decisions that caused it. If we do not do anything about the climbing rates of insomnia, our society will experience a higher rate of sleep deprivation. This will add to an already growing rate of motor vehicle accidents due to drowsy driving, as well as other sleep deprivation related disasters. On top of that those struggling with insomnia will e

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Jane and Hester

Love is something be as happiness, neglect what does erotic do sozzled when it begins to hurt that person and traps them comp permitely? The definition of get it on changes and becomes a continuous crusade to escape or run international from the evils it possesses. No matter how s constantly the pain, delight is neer sub sided. Hester Pynne and Jane Eyre be twain characters that involve themselves in a dream that overcomes them entirely. In each clean their f are and feelings turn into a f eitheracy in which they learn of confidentials, lies, guilt, and cobblers last.Jane and Hester can non run from their problems, they be coerce to face secrets, sin, and death to be with the nonp arils they deal. Although the women are both independent, they start to rely on someone that they f any in love with. Someone that they hope is meant to be with them until death. However, when things go wrong, their first instinct is to run past entirely. Whats stopping them? Gentl e reader, whitethorn you neer feel what I and wherefore felt May your eyes never shed much(prenominal) stormy, scalding, heart-wrung tears as poured from mine.May you never appeal to promised land in prayers so hopeless and so agised as in that hour unexpended my lips for never may you, like me, dismay to be the instrument of evil to what you wholly love(Bronte 306). Jane Eyres passion for Mr. Rochester was miserable, further the small moments in which he do her feel infinite, kept her from staying away. Hester was alike in the way of love, precisely k hot better then to leave the village that her secret caramel brown go throughd in. She wanted him to be safe from the evils of society. What kept Hester from truly expiration?Hester like Jane knew she could live on her own and be independent, only if Hester showed her capacity from the beginning because she knew that leaving the one she loved, would whole cause her misery. She knew that Pearl would be a constant remi nder that she sinned and could non love Dimmesdale without reticule. It is to the credit of human nature, that, except where its selfishness is brought into play, it loves more than readily than it hates. Hatred, by a gradual and quiet process, will nevertheless out be transformed to love, unless the change is impede by a continually new irritation of the original feeling of hostility. (Hawthorne 126).Hesters hate towards the Puritan society and Dimmesdale for not suffering with her was interfered by love. Its power let Hester believe that no matter she went or who she met, her heart would be forever with Dimmesdale. Jane was more oblivious, she believed she was strong enough to walk away from love, but in the end it conquered all the hate and lies. Both women knew that racecourse from love is like running from death, inevitable. What little beat a person has to live a full and happy deportment, what little snip a person has to waste it.Jane and Hester are both strongly conn ected to Mr. Rochester and Dimmesdale and the finish thing they think about is the death of their loved one. They are both so in love that they want all(prenominal) second of their life to be fagged with one another. This is an example of why the women pass off a hard time leaving their lovers. They cut how fragile life is and how promptly their loved ones can be interpreted away from them. Jane larn the value of life through her many roll in the hays in which everything she had ever loved was taken away by death. If others didnt love me, I would sooner die than liveI cannot dribble to be solitary and hated(Bronte 62).Hester learned in a harder way, for she learned this experience when the pain of the sin that Dimmesdale and her both pull had taken Dimmesdale to his death bed. Hester tried to sapidity every moment with him, but to a lower place such restrictions of puritan society, it was nearly impossible. She did discern however that death was inevitable from solar d ay one, and that leaving the village would only laying waste the time she had left with Dimmesdale. besides there is a fatality, a feeling so irresistible and inevitable that it has theforceof doom, which approximately invariably compels human beings to linger nearly and haunt, ghostlike, the spot where some great and mark event has given the color to their aliveness and still the more irresistibly, the darker the tinge that saddens it(Hawthorne 66). Hester knew that the day the secrets were revealed it would only be bittersweet, she knew her love would be forced to an end. Jane was the same, but she handled it by debaring all bad that was present.The purpose of a secret is to extend someone safe from discovering something that could confabulate harm on another. The irony of a secret is that it causes guilt and temptation sort of than the satisfying feeling of helping another. Hester and Jane retain lovers that hold secrets that inflict pain, fear, and guilt to themsel ves and others. unless what is a secret that is taken besides far? Sir, I answered, a wanderers unload or a sinners reformation should never depend on a fellow-creature. custody and womendie philosophers falter intheir wisdom, and Christians in goodness if any one you know has suffered and erred, let him look higher than his equals for strength to amend, and solace to heal(Bronte 206). Hester and Jane know that with secrets comes sin, but they are both so profoundly in love with that sin that they are trapped in the middle of chaste values and the nature of love. Each novel however, has a consequence of sin and secret. These consequences are what keep Hester and Jane close to Dimmesdale and Mr. Rochester. The consequences are things such as pain, torture, lies, and reticule.When the women see how strong their love is they fight through those consequences of pain and lies to keep that love alive, for they know its the only happiness they have ever felt. But this had been a sin o f passion, not of principle, nor even purpose(Hawthorne 158). There is a follow that keeps two people together, a cling that has no definition and changes through experiences and struggles. A bond called love. Its a something that cannot be ripped apart just by running away or trying to avoid it. The authors of both books show that sin, death, and love are all inevitable.Jane and Hester cannot run from their problems, they are forced to face secrets, sin, and death to be with the ones they love. In their lives they have found that the attachment they had was expense fighting for. Life appears to me too compact to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs(Bronte 51). So in conclusion both books show how love is a bond that cannot be broken, its a power that is higher than the lies or wrong doings of their lovers. Hester and Jane show courage and strength by not being able to stay away from the ones they love, but instead fighting for the happiness they believe in.